CHURCH OF CHRIST has been planted in a remote and unreached village called chenchuganipalem in kavli mandal of Nellore district,Andhra Pradesh,india in the year 2000.the church has been planted by brother I.Immanuel who has quit a secure government employment in the central railways with a view to commit his life to God’s service.He is a trained preacher from the Bear valley Bible school,Tenali,Andhra Pradesh,india.

Chenchuganipalem village has been selected for the church plantation as it is unreached in terms of the God’s word and is inaccessible/remote with limited transportation facilities.The village is predominantly inhabited by toddy tapping community ,very much into alchohol and indire need of the Lord’s way and a reformed life.one third acre of land has been acquired in the outskirts of the village through local contributions and a smallshackhas been constructed to act as the church building and preacher’s residence.And IN THE YEAR 2007 brother Prabhu dayal son of immanuel joined him in serving as an associate to him after returing from THE NATIONAL BBLE COLLEGE,CHENNAI completing his both His graduation &post graduation in Bible Education.And in 2009 the permanent church building was built and also preachers cottage was also built beside the church building.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Dear brethren,
Greetings in the the name our lord and savior jesus christ.Grace be unto you, and peace, from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ(1Thesslonians 1:1).Its a Great Privilege for us to meet you and have fellow ship with you via internet around the globe having same faith and hope .we are chenchuganipalem church of christ meets in south india in andhra pradesh ,nellore district and in kavali rural mandal.we are 33 in number and have two preachers to edify , exhort&comfort us with the oracles of God.we are growing in faith and in spirit day by day and trying to beat the goal to transform ourselves in the image of christ.so,we welcome you wholeheartedly in christian love to visit us and have fellowship with us.we need your prayers for us .
with Prayers,
In Christian Love,